Group of Belgian entrepreneurs: Cry for help to political parties
What we did
In mid-2019, a group of Belgian entrepreneurs is concerned about the political situation in Belgium. They see a lot of social problems that are getting bigger and bigger and to which the politicians are not reacting appropriately. In the hope that, during the formation discussions, politicians will implement the necessary reforms that will bring Belgium out of the crisis, they have drawn up a memorandum on 40 key problems, each with a proposal for a solution, grouped around 8 themes.
youEngine made contacts with Tier 1 newspapers such as De Tijd and La Libre Belgique, to pitch this memorandum together with an extensive interview with the 2 main initiators. In addition, youEngine distributed an appeal to other entrepreneurs via social media (e.g. LinkedIn) to show their support and co-sign the memorandum.
The publication of the memorandum and the interview with the 2 main initiators led to a chain reaction among the other media. From early in the morning until late in the evening there were interviews and interpellations about the memorandum on TV, radio, print and online. The press approach resulted in more than 45 clippings in 24 hours, including De Morgen and Le Soir. In one week no less than 55 entrepreneurs signed the online memorandum.
What our client got
A unique press campaign that delivered national clippings across all offline and online channels and online support from more than 55 entrepreneurs.