Pink Ribbon Mascot Sandy


As important part of its “early detection of breast cancer”-campaign, our client Pink Ribbon had launched in October 2023 the During a brainstorming session with the client youEngine was looking for new ways to promote this unique self-test and  encourage people to complete the The quiz shows to participating women their risk of a possible, late-stage detection of breast cancer. Participants also receive personalized tips to reduce their risk, according to their specific profile.

6 different profiles are distinguished by the, using animal related characters to describe attitudes & behavior. Research results have shown that the risk profile of the Ostrich in particular deserves more attention. Ostriches are only are only slightly aware of the risk, they little knowledge about the 9 alarm signals of breast cancer, do little self-examination and are quite critical towards breast cancer screening. In other words, they stick their heads in the sand. By  highlighting this profile, the idea for Sandy, our ostrich mascot, was born.


After carefully selecting a supplier, the creation and production for Sandy could be set in motion. youEngine took into account the sustainability of the process and the materials used.


With Sandy, as the mascot of the Mammoquiz, Pink Ribbon aims to activate, both at events and within companies, awareness about the risk for breast cancer, prevention attitudes, knowledge about the 9 alarm signals and a positive attitude towards breast cancer screening and the need for early detection. Sandy was officially introduced to the public at Pink Ribbon’s annual press conference. Since then, the mascot has drawn public attention for the at events in several unique venues, the Federal Parliament,  the European Parliament and the Museum of Fine Arts in Antwerp. The last 2 iconic venues have also been illuminated in pink at the moment of the Sandy activation-event.