Pink Ribbon 2020 campaign
What we did
Everyone knows Pink Ribbon, the universal symbol for the fight against breast cancer. youEngine has built Pink Ribbon’s campaign for International Breast Cancer month in October 2020, for the 6th consecutive time. To get the message across we asked Belgian athletes Elodie Ouédraogo and Olivia Borlée (Olympic medalists) to create the 2020 ribbon.
National campaign
We attracted the attention of lifestyle and news media with a digital press conference and by sending them the new ribbon. Key press received the press release together with a package of several ribbons. The PR campaign was accompanied by a general media campaign, of which the Pink Ribbon magazine was the main attraction, with 52 pages of breast cancer news and information. 262.650 copies were distributed by Roularta’s magazines Flair, Libelle, Femmes d’Aujourd’hui, Felling, Gael and Plus Magazine, as well as 178.000 by Knack and Le Vif. Additionally 12.000 copies were distributed in breast cancer clinics and other medical facilities, leading up to a total of 452.650 impressions. More than 25 influencers, wearing the Pink Ribbon, posted their pictures on social media. On top of all this, the campaign was supported by the Pink Ribbon Facebook pages that have more than 31.000 followers. The 2020 Pink Ribbon product was sold to the public in 2.500 outlets, which is double the amount of the year before. Our 2020 campaign was supported by 11 distribution partners, 6 Pink Ribbon main partners and 14 other partners, all recruited by youEngine.
What our client got
The enthusiasm of journalists resulted in a long list of articles in print media and on news websites. We got coverage in magazines and newspapers, print and online. We also obtained extensive reporting in the evening news and the amount of Pink Ribbons that were sold throughout the country grew to 70.000. We created more than €100.000 of PR value for Pink Ribbon with the October campaign and €1.170.00 with our Pink March campaign. Once again we managed to outdo our work of the previous year and we are set on continuing this growth for the 2021 campaign.