Pink Ribbon collaborates with Belgian hairdressers to collect all kind of ponytails: blonde, brown, black or grey hair; curly or straight, … none of it matters. It’s important that a ponytail is at least 35 centimeters long. Donated tails are sorted, graded and sold to local wig makers for the right price. These wigs makers knot beautiful wigs for breast cancer patients. Tying wigs is a craft that requires patience like a saint. But it brings all the satisfaction.
youEngine runs the year round “Geknipt voor Haar / Coupe de Coeur”-campaign for Pink Ribbon since October 2021 with strong radio spots, original media campaigns and numerous press outreach with testimonials by patients, hairdressers and wig makers.
In 2022, youEngine created a bold radio and video spot, for Flanders with actress Lynn Van Royen and for Wallonia with comedienne and actrice Inès Duboisson. Both ladies called on anyone with long hair to cut it and donate it to Pink Ribbon
Video French
Video Dutch
Since the start many ponytails have been donated to Pink Ribbon. By the end of 2023, this was as much as 350 kg of hair, donating more than €100,000 to Pink Ribbon projects of breast cancer care.
Chris (Geknipt voor Haar / Coupe de Coeur hairdresser):
“I became a hairdresser for Pink Ribbon because in my professional life I have had a number of clients who wanted to donate their hair. I cut their hair and they then sent the tail to Pink Ribbon so it can be turned into a wig. That way, they could help people with hair loss after their cancer treatments. My customers like knowing they can have their ponytail they want to donate cut with me.”
Véronique (former breast cancer patient):
“In 2019, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. One evening while I was showering, I suddenly lost big tufts of hair. I immediately called my sister-in-law Chris. She came that same evening to shave off my remaining hair. Afterwards, Chris helped me and made me feel better in my own skin. It is very important for patients to be able to go to a hairdresser who understands what you are going through, who listens, gives advice and looks for solutions.”